Our clients are our top priority and we strive to live up to every expectation and go beyond that expectation.
Upon your request, SPL can write a proposal that will give you clear and straightforward information regarding the product and the price. If desired, we can visit you on location and talk about what you desire as a company and the specifications you require to meet your demands. The advantage of such an encounter is that our professionals can observe and see the premises adding to our understanding of what you need and allow our professionals the chance to take stock of all the possibilities.
We believe that personal contact (especially listening to a client) is of the utmost importance, especially in this digital era. Our team ambitious, in all levels, as our goal is the same: a satisfied and happy client.
As many of our clients would attest to, SPL is very meticulous and thorough in her work. Clients may always expect a very detailed quotation/proposal where all specifications, materials, specific requests and/or wishes are stipulated. SPL aims to simplify the process for you.
Please contact us for an appointment if you are interested in one or more of our services.
Frans Kuijpers, Sales Manager: 06-11004886
Harry van Asselt, Sales Department: 055-5051441
Or send an email to: verkoop@www.scholtenpanelen.nl
We look forward to meeting you!
“See you soon!”
Get in contact with us!