Naast het bouwen van panelen zijn we nu ook druk bezig met het bouwen aan onze nieuwe website! Kom later terug voor de nieuwste informatie.


Our workplace is a state-of-the-art facility where are products are manufactured by certified mechanics/engineers. Your order is handled with the utmost care and is carefully built according to your specifications in adherence with all ISO procedures and standing regulations in our 2500m2 workplace in Apeldoorn.

Using ISO 9001 and an active Security, Health and Environment policy as mandatory by the VCA* as strict guidelines for our products, we are able to guarantee the quality of our products.

We offer the possibility to visit you on location in order to either help install, adjust and/or completely reconstruct SPL products. For example, putting back together a panel/system after transport on location, or replacing parts of a system, or even upgrading panels that would require reconstruction. Naturally, we can always be depended upon to assist in relocating any of our panels within your business. Our staff is highly trained professionals who offer their services worldwide.

SPL manufactures control panels according to the standing standards but also:
  • Uses sanctioned tools and equipment of the highest calibre: safe and sure!
  • Every panel or control systems are tested according to protocol
  • Upon request a detailed and extensive test reports are delivered with the product.
  • Each product includes a complete report of any revisions made to the product.



Get in contact with us!